Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Just Do It

For the last few years, as a teacher, I've taught two sections of English 10 and two sections of Personal Development and Career Planning (PDCP).  In PDCP, we start the year with a two week unit where we lay a foundation of skills based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.  Habit #3 always makes me question myself.  Habit #3 is Put First Things First, which teaches to prioritize and put your most important things first, so that they don't become urgent and stressful.  Within this Habit we discuss 4 different types of people, including the procrastinator.  Every time I teach this habit, I think to myself, "Beth, you are talking about yourself here, you have got to stop procrastinating, you just have to get stuff done."  But out loud I say to students, "Doesn't it feel great to accomplish a task or goal, and in order to do that, we need to stay focused, and choose not to procrastinate, we need to choose to be doers rather than time wasters." Easier said than done.  In my mind, I'm the queen of the time wasters.

I admire a lot of people, but the people I truly admire are the people who get shit done.  People who seem to be in perpetual motion, and who leave a myriad of accomplishments in their wake.   Don't get me wrong. I do stuff, but I'm certainly not captain accomplished.  I look at things constantly and think, "I should really do something about that" And then I walk by and forget about it until the next time I decide to ignore it.

So, in the spirit of For the Girls, I've stopped walking by and I've started operation "Just Do It."  No, I'm not a Nike fan, but they really do have something figured out when it comes to their slogan.  Really, rather than procrastinating, wasting time, or thinking up excuses, it's so much easier to just do it.  I've been putting this theory into operation the past week and here is what I have learned that I would like to pass on to Cyberland.

There is immense pride in the little things.  Before I would just walk by the garden with weeds, leave the mess on the kitchen island, or curse the messy junk drawer.  This week I took 7.2 minutes (yes, I timed it) and weeded the garden by the front door, I cleared off the kitchen island in 4 minutes (and no, I didn't just put it all in a basket, I put the items away), and I pulled out the junk drawer and de-junked it.  Now when I pull out that drawer to get a pen, I smile because, there they are, all neatly organized and ready for writing.  These are all small, very silly, very minor things, but before I addressed them, they kind of made me feel badly about myself.  They were reminders of my laziness, or at least my perceived laziness.  It's amazing how good a clean junk drawer can make you feel about yourself.

When you just decide to do, fun happens.   It's been a little hectic at my house lately as Jamie has taken on a huge, time consuming task with our house, and I've had to spend a lot of time at my mom and dad's since the work he's doing is noisy, and not conducive to napping kids.  It's a lot of packing, and unpacking the kids stuff every day, but with my new Just Do It plan, the packing and unpacking is quick, which leaves me time to take the kids outside, to go to the park, to go play in the cottage that they have set up at Costco (Syd loves that thing and her mean old mommy won't buy her one) and to paint.  Sydney loves to paint, but man is it a messy affair, but we're painting, and we're having fun, and I'm setting it up, and cleaning it up, and she loves it and I love that she loves it, so we're doing it.  

I might live past 40, because it's amazing how my mind is now calm.  Rather than fill my mind with a repetition of thoughts about what I should be doing, I'm now thinking, then doing, as much as possible.  When I sit down at the end of the day to relax, or write an article for my blog, I don't have all these thoughts running through my mind, I relax.  Like, real relaxing.  Like, relaxing that I knew other people do, but I've never really enjoyed.  It's quite nice.   I feel lighter, and all I had to do was stop making excuses and start doing.  Simple concept, unbelievable outcome.

So, if you are someone how has always subscribed to the "Just Do It" plan, I admire you.  You figured it out a long time ago, and you've been enjoying all the perks of getting shit done.  For those of you who are like me, I encourage you to stop making excuses and just do it.  You'll love it.  I do.

Yours in hoping to teach my children to feel pride in accomplishments, no matter how small,


1 comment:

  1. Beth, one rule I follow is never leave a room empty handed :) if you see something in one room that needs to go in another, grab it on your way out the door. It works and shit gets done mighty quick. hahahah I love it!! You are awesome and yes, when you "just do it" you feel so good and see what is happening and the mess of paint, the muddy shoes and the dirty clothes can all be cleaned when the little women and men are sleeping...they are signs of a great, fun and love filled day.
